The Chapter: Chapter is the Cathedral’s governing body and its members are the charity’s trustees. It directs and oversees the administration of the Cathedral’s affairs and has a leadership role in policy, strategy and vision. Chapter is at the heart of the corporate, spiritual and worshipping life of the Cathedral, setting its decisions and work in the context of prayer for the Cathedral and the Diocese of St Albans and its collective ministry and mission. Chaired by the Dean, Chapter has primary responsibility for ensuring the Cathedral is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit and ensuring it is effectively and properly run. You can find out who is on Chapter here. It is supported in its work by various governance committees, including the Nominations Committee, the Finance Committee, the Audit and Risk Committee, and the Mission and Ministry Committee.

Senior Management Team: The Cathedral’s Senior Management Team is accountable to Chapter and is responsible for the day to day running and management of the Cathedral, working in partnership with Chapter to further the Cathedral’s purpose, vision and priorities. Chaired by the Chief Operating Officer, the members of the Senior Management Team are the Dean, the Canon Chancellor, the Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care, the Director of Music, the Head of Finance, the Head of Marketing and Visitor Experience, the Director of Property and Fabric, the Head of HR & Office Support, and the Head of Development and Fundraising. The Senior Management Team is supported by a number of management committees and working groups.

Bishop of St Albans: The Cathedral is the seat (“cathedra”) of the Bishop of St Albans. In his formal role of Visitor of the Cathedral, the Bishop has a regulatory role in supervising the Cathedral’s observance of its Constitution and Statutes, and also informally advises more generally. The Diocese of St Albans covers the areas of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Luton and Barnet.

Other Bodies: Chapter is supported in its role by other bodies such as the Fabric Advisory Committee, which provides advice on matters relating to the care, conservation and development of the cathedral building, the College of Canons, providing a connection to the life of the Diocese, and the Cathedral Advisory Group, a new body to be formed as an advisory and consultative body to the Cathedral at large in support of its mission and ministry.

New Constitution

New Statutes

Cathedral Annual Review and Report
Each year, the Cathedral releases a review and report of its events, activities and finances from the previous year. The 2023 Annual Report can be downloaded below.

Download our Annual Report and Accounts 2023

Chairs of other Chapter governance committees:

Anthony Archer | Chair of Nominations Committee

Nikki Loan | Chair of Audit and Risk Committee

Clerk to the Chapter: Alan Hartwell | Chief Operating Officer (Starting in September 2024)

You can read more about the topics and items discussed at Chapter in the Chapter Summaries below. We also produce a report on Chapter's work over the past year for the Cathedral's Annual Meeting.

April 2024 Chapter Summary

March 2024 Chapter Summary

January 2024 Chapter Summary

Chapter Annual Report 2024

You can find out the people on Chapter here.

Cathedral Peer Review
Cathedral peer reviews are run by the Association of English Cathedrals and help cathedrals review their governance and management activity, share ideas, and identify what could be improved.

Download our Peer Review Highlights 2023