The High Altar Screen of St Albans Cathedral, by Jane Kelsall, revised by Elizabeth Fotheringham is on sale now. 

Read about the history of the screen from the middle ages to the present day and find out who the statues depict. 

This booklet presents a short history of the ‘most sumptuous’ High Altar Screen erected by Abbot William of Wallingford in 1484. The original statues were destroyed sometime after the Abbey was dissolved in 1539. The screen was restored in the late 1800s by Lord Aldenham who came into conflict with Lord Grimthorpe in the process.   

Elizabeth Fotheringham has abridged and revised Jane Kelsall’s comprehensive text from our 1999 publication to include some additional detail on the screen itself and the saints represented on it. It also describes the recent Saints in Colour installation.  

There are over 50 illustrations, some from the archives, but also many newly commissioned photographs which reveal details of the screen and  statues which are not easily seen  from a distance. Have you seen the raven and the dragon?

This book is a valuable revision of a well-loved publication which will aid appreciation of the magnificent High Altar Screen.

Price: £5.95. Available from the Cathedral shop or by the Friends of St Albans Cathedral.

Order from The Friends