This week, the Learning Department has been bursting with activity as they welcomed a record-breaking 1,250 children from 9 schools! That's right, you heard correctly – 1,250 curious minds are embarking on a thrilling journey through history.

This influx isn't due to any special event, but rather a testament to the department's ever-evolving and engaging programs.

360 enthusiastic young learners from Wheatfields Junior School joined the Cathedral for a single day.

Throughout the week, students took part in various activities put on by our Learning Team:

  • Stepping back in time with the Saxons.
  • The history of Henry VIII and the Dissolution.
  • Looking at life in a Medieval Monastery.
  • Medieval Pilgrimages.
  • Creative activities such as Brass Rubbing and Illuminated Lettering. Learning these traditional crafts and creating their own historical keepsakes.
  • Hearing the inspiring story of Alban, Britain's first Christian Saint! 
  • Roman Mosaics.
  • Learning all about the Peasants Revolt and the struggles for social justice.

Steve Clarke, Education Officer said

‘It has been a pleasure to welcome so many students to the Cathedral this week. Their presence has created a wonderful, vibrant atmosphere in around the building, evoking the tradition of St Albans as a place of learning – fabulous!’ 

If you or your school are interested in what's coming up for the department, here's a sneak peak of things to come:

  • Peasants Revolt Trail/Exhibition: Get ready to walk in the footsteps of the rebels and learn about their cause!
  • 40th anniversary celebrations with guest Michael Morpurgo
  • Artist in Residence: Unleash your creativity with a special guest Storytelling artist.

Get in touch with their team by emailing: [email protected]

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