The Friends of Saint Albans Cathedral is the working name for The Fraternity of the Friends of Saint Albans Abbey, an unincorporated charity governed by a constitution. The charity is registered (number 253909) with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.  The charity is a membership organisation open to individuals and organisations.   

The objects of the charity, as set out in our constitution, are:

 the support of the Abbey Church of Saint Alban and the promotion of its dignity, traditions and influence, in particular by:

1) providing a network to link members to the life and work of the Abbey.

2) giving practical and financial support to projects which enhance the Abbey Church and its precincts and which are endorsed by the Chapter of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of Saint Alban.

The charity is run by a committee of trustees, known as the Friends’ Council elected from amongst the membership for four-year terms at an Annual General Meeting.  The Dean of Saint Albans is, ex officio, the chair of the Council.  A vice-chair and treasurer are appointed each year at the Annual General Meeting from among the membership and are also members of the Council.  The list of current officers and trustees is here

The trustees’ latest annual report and the accounts of the charity are here.

Contact us

You can contact the charity by email to: [email protected]

Or by letter to:

Friends of Saint Albans Cathedral

Sumpter Yard

Holywell Hill

St Albans


Should you wish to make a complaint about the charity, you may contact one of the charity’s officers directly either by letter to the address above or by email to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

The Friends Privacy Policy