After nearly seventeen years, this Sunday the Very Reverend Dr Jeffrey John will preach for the last time as Dean of St Albans. The Dean's sermon on the Transfiguration of Jesus will be part of the 10am live streamed Sung Eucharist.

In addition to the morning service, there will also be a valedictory service of Evensong led by the Right Reverend Dr Alan Smith, Lord Bishop of St Albans live on our YouTube channel from 4pm.

All are most welcome to join us virtually for these special moments for the Dean and the Cathedral.

In the days and weeks following his Valediction as Dean of St Albans, Jeffrey will be preparing to move to Paris where he will take up a position at St George's Church, where he will preach and teach both the English and French congregations.

In Jeffrey's absence and while the appointment of a new Dean is finalised, the Rev'd Canon Abi Thompson will take on the role of Acting Dean.

Watch the services here

Photo: Taken at the installation of the Very Reverend Dr Jeffrey John as Dean of St Albans in July 2004.