St Albans Cathedral is the oldest site of continual Christian worship in these Isles; from small pilgrim church to huge Abbey and Monastery, to parish church and Cathedral. We have an inheritance of faith that has stood firm through Reformation, Civil War, Plagues, and Pandemics, and our faith reflects that of St Alban, Britain’s first Martyr, who was killed for confessing ‘I worship and adore the one true and living God’.

We are a Cathedral of the Church of England, where the Bishop of St Albans has his seat ‘cathedra’. We are the Mother Church of the Diocese of St Albans, and enjoy welcoming people from across this Diocese and beyond. In this building many large diocesan events take place, including confirmations and ordinations, when we welcome new members to the faith and commission and anoint ministers for the parishes.

The Church of England is part of the one holy catholic and apostolic church, and we hold the historical creeds of the church as the foundation of what we believe. This we have in common with Alban and all Christians throughout the ages. We have other sources that contain our doctrine, such as the Articles of Religion in the Book of Common Prayer and the authorised forms of service of the Church of England.

We believe in a God whose love and welcome extends to everyone, regardless of who they are and where they come from, and we hope to be beacons of this inclusive faith to all whom we encounter.