At this time of National Reflection here at St Albans Cathedral we hold in our prayers all those who have died over these last two years and those who mourn. We pray for those still suffering with COVID19, for our NHS staff and all who continue to be on the front line of care. We also commit ourselves to build communities of care. Dean Jo Kelly-Moore

šŸ™ From Monday 21 March until Monday 28 March, a Wall of Reflection will be located on the fence outside the Cathedral down from Waxhouse Gate. Cards will be available for all to write prayers of remembrance for the people, opportunities, time and connections that we have lost in the last two years.

šŸ™ At noon on Wednesday 23 March, there will be a minutes silence. The day will end with Choral Evensong at 5pm. 

If you need bereavement support, our day chaplains and clergy are available talk to.