Sumpter Yard Revived From January 2022 the ‘Sumpter Yard Revived’ project will be underway to create a beautiful, accessible and welcoming approach to the Cathedral. It will form the next phase in our wider vision to care for and enhance the biodiversity of the Cathedral’s precious green space and is only possible thanks to the generous support of donors. Sumpter Yard Revived will transform this approach in keeping with the ancient building and new welcome centre. Works will include improved pathways and new planted spaces designed to reflect the history of the site. It will create a safe, attractive and accessible approach to the Cathedral, whilst celebrating and protecting our green space and unique heritage. The project will be completed in the late spring. The team will work hard throughout to keep disruption to a minimum, although there may be some temporary changes to access at certain times, and parking will be reduced. We will prioritise disabled access as much as we can. Find out more about Sumpter Yard Revived.