Meet Hollie Goodwin – our new Alban Intern

Fr Will, Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care, met up with new Alban Intern Hollie Goodwin to get to know her before her start date at the Cathedral.

Today, 10 September at the 9.30am Parish Eucharist, Hollie will be welcomed and commissioned.

Learn more about Hollie:

Hollie, we’re delighted to welcome you as our new intern. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a recent University graduate, originally from Hull (yes, that 2017 City of Culture). I’ve absolutely loved studying Medieval English Language and Literature, but I am ready to find a better life to library ratio! I heard about the internship at St Albans from my college chaplain, and just knew I had to apply. 

What are you looking forward to about coming to the Cathedral?

I can’t wait to meet more of the St Albans crowd! Everyone I’ve met so far has been so welcoming, and St Albans already feels like a home for me. If you see me in the Cathedral, please do come and say hello. 

What music do you like?

I love the songs of Katie Melua, but my bedside radio is only ever tuned to the classical channel Scala. 

Do you have a favourite film?

I can never decide between Paddington, or Paddington 2. My preference often goes to whichever the BBC has played most lately.  

And your best bit of the Bible?

I find the Song of Simeon in Luke’s Gospel especially captivating. The scene of an elderly man singing about his promised death to the infant Christ has a touch of the bizarre to it, but Simeon’s words are so tender and show the comfort he takes in God. I especially love hearing the song in different settings at Evensong. 

What is your favourite food?

I’m often the annoying person asking “is this gluten/dairy free?”, so I’m generally happy with whatever I can eat! In recent years, however, I have developed a particular fondness for a good roast dinner, especially with lots of thick gravy.