Cathedral turns blue and pink for Baby Loss Awareness Week 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of Baby Loss Awareness Week in the UK and runs from Sunday 9 - Saturday 15 October this year. During this week our cathedral will be lit up in blue and pink in solidarity and support for all those who have experienced the loss of a baby during pregnancy or in early childhood, whose presence touched our hearts, yet who we never saw grow up. We stand alongside and pray for all those who have experienced the pain of losing a child – a loss before their time, before they had lived and grown, and that brings with it, deep pain and a sense of lost futures and memories. Every loss is unique: for those struggling to conceive and coping with hopes regularly bruised and diminished, for those who suffer loss as a miscarriage or a compassionate induction, and those who have had an abortion, a stillbirth or loss in early infancy. Whatever your story or experience, as a Cathedral community we want to affirm that the feelings of parental loss come out of parental love, a love which we find present in the God of Love: Jesus Christ.