Bright future for Cathedral music Great choirs do not build themselves. Maintaining the magnificent tradition of English Cathedral music takes great talent, yes, but also dedication and enthusiasm so it was fantastic to see more than 15 prospective choristers at the Cathedral Choir’s ‘Be A Chorister For A Day’ event. The day was designed to give young boys (on this occasion, there have and will be similar events for the Cathedral Girls Choir) the opportunity to really see what it was like to be a chorister, not just with the rigours of rehearsal but also singing in the vast and resonant building. And of course an experience of the famous choir teas! "It was fabulous to see such a good number of boys at our Be a chorister for a day experience. They all seemed to enjoy it and participated enthusiastically. We look forward to some of them coming forward to join the choir." – Andrew Lucas, Master of the Music The participants, after rehearsing with Mrs Price and Master of the Music Andew Lucas, then also sang two pieces in evensong with the Cathedral Choir: Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and the late Peter Hurford’s moving Litany To The Holy Spirit. Dean Jo said afterwards, "It was wonderful to witness the energy and enthusiasm of the boys who joined in our ‘Be a Chorister for a day’ on Saturday. Those who have been choristers at Albans Cathedral testify to the gift of musical education, life lessons, wonderful opportunities, exploration of faith, life-long friendships, and, of course, fun they had while being part of making amazing music here. We hope the boys and their families who joined us on Saturday had a great time and caught a glimpse of this wonderful opportunity."