Parish Singers:

The Parish Singers is a mixed voice auditioned choir enriching the Cathedral's worship through uplifting choral music.  They lead congregational singing at the 9.30am Eucharist and perform a diverse repertoire, ranging from established classics to contemporary pieces.  

Join the Choir:

If you would enjoy singing high-quality liturgical music in a wonderful building and can get out of bed in time on a Sunday, why not consider joining us? The fortnightly one-hour Wednesday rehearsal is led by their Director, Christopher Muhley.

Parish Orchestra:

The Parish Orchestra is a dedicated ensemble of musicians who contribute a majestic touch to the 9:30am service once a month.  They perform a variety of orchestral pieces that enhance the beauty and grandeur of worship.  Rehearsals are held on the Thursday evening preceding the service, providing an opportunity for musicians to refine their skills and collaborate in a supportive environment.
Join the Orchestra:
Are you an instrumentalist seeking to share your talent and contribute to meaningful worship experiences?  The Parish Orchestra welcomes passionate musicians to join their ranks.

For more information about joining the Parish Singers and/or Orchestra, please email [email protected]