Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking event at our Annual Speak Your Mind - Sixth Form Debate.  Inspired by the BBC's Question Time, this event provides is a unique platform for students to discuss and debate with a platform of high profile speakers on a variety of subjects, including ethical, political and global questions. 

Chaired by Professor Quintin McKellar, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hertfordshire this free event allows students to:

  • Have the opportunity to open up the debate by delivering a speech to the audience 
  • Have access to panelists who voice opinions and expertise from across a spectrum relevant to today’s culture and society
  • Develop skills in public debate and listening
  • Support post-16 citizenship/politics curriculum
  • Experience a unique historical and cultural setting

Time |     1.30pm to 3.30pm 

Cost |     Donations welcome 

The subject theme and panel will be announced in due course.  Please email us if you have any questions. 

Book your place here!