Andrew Lucas, Master of the Music

Andrew Lucas became Master of the Music at St Albans Cathedral and Music Director of St Albans Bach Choir in 1998, was Artistic Director of the IOF from 1999 to 2007, and the artistic consultant for the restoration of the Harrison & Harrison organ in the cathedral. Andrew studied organ at the Royal College of Music with John Birch and Herbert Howells and later with Peter Hurford and Piet Kee. Before 1998 he was Assistant Director of Music at St Paul’s Cathedral, London and a freelance musician, conductor, chorus-master and continuo player. He has made many recordings as an organist from St Paul’s Cathedral and conducting the choirs at St Albans, and as a player with the RPO and Academy of St Martin in the Fields. He has also played concerts throughout the UK, Europe and the USA and continues to play for the RPO. He retires from St Albans in the summer this year.

Tom Winpenny, Assistant Master of the Music

Tom Winpenny is Assistant Master of the Music at St Albans Cathedral where his duties include accompanying the daily choral services and directing the acclaimed St Albans Cathedral Girls Choir. He studied as Organ Scholar at King’s College, Cambridge and he was subsequently Sub-Organist at St Paul's Cathedral, where he played for many great state occasions. He has broadcast regularly on BBC Radio and has been featured on American Public Media's Pipedreams. Recent solo engagements have included recitals in Grace Cathedral (San Francisco), Hildesheim Cathedral (Germany) and Västerås Cathedral (Sweden). His many solo organ recordings include surveys of music by Judith Bingham, Malcolm Williamson, John Joubert, John McCabe, Peter Racine Fricker and Francis Grier. For Naxos he has recorded music by Olivier Messiaen: his recording of Messiaen’s Les Corps glorieux was awarded five stars in the French journal Diapason, and Messiaen’s Livre d’orgue recently gained the editor’s ‘Star Review’ in Choir & Organ.


Oliver Morrell
Oliver Morrell has been Organ Scholar at St Albans Cathedral since September 2022. As part of his duties, he is principal accompanist of the Girls Choir and has responsibility for training the probationer choristers. He also accompanies the St Albans Bach Choir. Previously, he was Acting Sub-Organist at Croydon Minster and taught music at Whitgift School. He studied at Durham University (First Class Honours, 2021) and spent three years as Organ Scholar at Durham Cathedral. Before this, he was a Choral Scholar at Gloucester Cathedral.
He is an Associate of the Royal College of Organists and regularly offers recitals as an organist and singer. He is a diploma-qualified pianist and has had compositions premiered at the London Festival of Contemporary Church Music.