The Cathedrals Measure 2021 required Cathedrals to make some changes in the structures and membership of its committees. Here at St Albans Cathedral no new committees were needed but some changes in membership have been required, as well to replace those whose tenure has come to a conclusion.

With the great work of our Nominations Committee, at recent meetings Chapter has been pleased, with the approval of Bishop Alan, to approve the appointment of three new Chapter members as well as a new committee member and new committee chair. Bishop Alan also approved, on Chapter’s recommendation, the appointment of Helen Gray as the first senior non-executive member of Chapter. This role includes chairing Chapter in the Dean’s absence.

Helen Gray is a long time parishioner at the Cathedral and is an existing Chapter member. Helen was Development Manager and then Head of Operations here at the Cathedral, taking a lead in the ABFS Welcome Centre project. Leaving the Cathedral to be Foundation Director at Herts Community Foundation, Helen is now Trust Director for Benefact Trust.

Judith Relf, Delbert Sandiford and Alan Stewart have all joined Chapter as new members.

Judith Relf is a member of St Mary’s Woburn and is a retired finance professional having worked for HSBC. Judith is a fellow of the London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF) and is an experienced volunteer, treasurer, trustee & chair in the charity sector. Latterly she is the founder and team leader of St Albans Cathedral’s ‘Holy Dusters’! 

Delbert Sandiford is a longstanding congregation member and is currently on our Social Justice committee. Delbert has retired from work in finance and strategic development in the public sector. Delbert also has significant experience as a trustee and chair in the Charitable sector. 

Alan Stewart is a chorister parent with two sons in our Cathedral choir. With his wife Jo he is a regular Choral Evensong attendee. Alan has had a career in law and finance and is currently Director of Finance Performance in the House of Commons. Alan will also become the Chair of the Finance Committee in the first quarter of 2024 as Graham Field steps down from faithful service as Chair of Finance Committee and Audit and Risk Committee.  

Cathedral COO, Tim Fleming said 'Our new trustees bring with them a wide range of lived experience and insight. Working alongside our other trustees and the members of our governance committees, I know they will help us keep true to our purpose and support the staff and volunteer community in the delivery of our priorities and wider mission activities.' 

Nikki Loan, who is member of our 9.30am congregation and a leader in our children’s ministry, is the new Chair of our Audit and Risk committee. Nicki has a long career in accountancy, with an audit specialty, and is a partner at Peters Elworthy and Moore. She is a member of the Audit and Risk committee and Chapter was pleased to approve her appointment as Chair.

We are delighted also that Andrew Fotheringham has joined the Audit and Risk Committee. Andrew sings in the parish choir and is a long-time congregation member. With most of his career spent working for the British Council, for the 10 years before retirement his focus was corporate governance, charitable status and risk management.

Dean Jo said ‘We are very grateful to all these people for their gifts and time offered to support the mission and ministry of our Cathedral. We are also very grateful for the faithful service of Hilary Knight, Anthea Cecil and Graham Field who, as 2024 begins, will be stepping down from Chapter.