On behalf of the Chapter and community of St Albans Cathedral, Dean Jo is delighted to invite all to a Service of Choral Evensong, including the laying to rest again of Abbot John of Wheathampstead. 

Abbot John will be placed, with his friend and colleague Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, in the Chantry Chapel near to the Shrine of St Alban.  That means all pilgrims to this Benedictine community will be able to see him and read of the important part he played in the Abbey and wider church.

We hope that you can join us at on Saturday, 30 July at 4pm for this very special and historic moment in the life of our Cathedral and nation.


Abbot John's Chapel remained undiscovered for 480 years until excavation work on the new Welcome Centre uncovered his burial site. Three papal bulls that Pope Martin V had given him 40 years before were found with his skeleton.

Funded by the Friends of St Albans Cathedral, FaceLab reconstructed his face, which offered the first accurate representation of a monastic figure in England before 1500.


No booking required, just turn up on the day to attend the service.