On Saturday the Friends of St Albans Cathedral gathered for Friends Day 2024, which included celebrations of this being their 75th year of magnificent support to our Cathedral and Abbey Church.

The afternoon began with the AGM and election of the council, including officers. The Dean is the Chair, Carol Boras is the Vice Chair, Robert Raine is the Treasurer and Judith Card is the Secretary. In her report the Dean expressed gratitude on behalf of the Chapter and community of the Cathedral for all that the Friends enable, most recently our new signage scheme both outside and inside the Cathedral.

After the AGM the guest speaker for the day was Professor James Clark from the University of Exeter. Professor Clark engaged us all with the fascinating stories of The Friends predecessors, the benefactors of this place as far back as the 12th and 13th centuries. Much of this history is found in our Book of Benefactors. These are accompanied by 70+ miracle stories which are recorded from those who came to the Shrines of St Alban and St Amphibalus. 

The history of The Friends over the centuries was then brought to life in a re-enactment of the stories of three benefactors in a Masque entitled ‘Three Pilgrims Came’. It will be performed again later in the year – don’t miss it! After a sumptuous afternoon tea, with a celebratory cake cut, The Friends then attended Choral Evensong. It was a great day of celebration. 

Watch out for further 75th Anniversary Friends events and you can find out how to become a Friend below.

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